Topline Beauty College
Your future starts here.
Welcome to Topline Beauty College!
It is a pleasure to have you with us at Topline Beauty College. You are now entering a field that will provide you with the opportunity for a successful future in the beauty industry.
At Topline Beauty College, we offer you the basic training to pass the California Board of Barbering & Cosmetology license examination. We place emphasis on how to be successful in the marketplace and in your own operations to create the lifestyle you desire. This means hard work, dedication and practice on your part. You will practice shop management, business concepts and the psychology of personal success. The degree of your potential success will depend on the effort you are willing to apply during the entire course of your training.
Topline Beauty College is dedicated to student success by cultivating professionals through quality post-secondary education that prepares our graduates to successfully pass the State Board Examination and become successful members of the top salon or spa professions.
Our primary objective at Topline Beauty College is to offer each of our students with high quality teaching and training so that they may be prepared to successfully pass the state board examination and become a successful professional in the cosmetology industry. In order to fulfill our objective, we not only teach the techniques and artistry of cosmetology; we also teach poise, charm, self-reliance, business practices, and personal hygiene. We continually survey the profession to keep abreast of current trends, designs and techniques required by employers. Teachers give “individual” as well as “class” instruction. This combination helps serious students realize their goals.
School Catalog